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Influencer Marketing for Local Campaigns

Updated: Jul 29

Photo of three people around a desk, discussing project

If you're looking to target a specific community or a more narrow demographic audience, influencer marketing can be a pivotal strategy. As the title implies, the job of an influencer is to "influence" their followers by providing information, sharing content and/or asking them to take action. Influencers do this by creating content that is relatable and resonates with their audience. Influencers typically have a strong and loyal audience because they've created a level of trust and demonstrate authenticity with their followers in a way that brands or organizations may struggle to replicate. 

As a marketing and public relations agency, it's Anglin’s job to maximize the impact of influencers by using them strategically and thoughtfully. When the decision is made to move forward with using influencers, the first step is doing your research. Here are a few things we consider:

Influencer fit. What kind of influencers match the client's brand, audience and message? Ideally, the influencers already post about topics similar to our campaign. 

Following size. How big of a following the influencer has will impact the spread of the message but will also be more expensive. 

Demographics of audience. What are the qualities of the followers who engage with each influencer’s content. 

In a recent project, we worked on with a client, Anglin helped the Watch for Me OK campaign utilize influencers to conduct community outreach within central Oklahoma. The campaign's goal is to reach three core demographics: drivers, bicyclists, and pedestrians. While we utilize a variety of marketing strategies to reach our audience, influencer marketing allows us to tap into niche community groups in a way that organic social and digital ads can not. 

A recent example is when Watch for Me OK conducted its annual Aptitude and Awareness survey. We utilized our existing influencer network and selected six influencers who have a strong following within the central Oklahoma community and create content relevant to demographics who may utilize other modes of transportation besides driving. We asked influencers to promote the survey on their channels and encourage their followers to engage. 

Below is an example post from one of those in our network.

Screenshot of post form local OKC influencer

The results from the survey and influencer campaign showed incredibly high engagement! Of all those who took the survey 75% of respondents came via our six influencers. Overall, uptake of the survey increased by 43%.  

The Watch for Me OK survey shows that influencers, especially those who are specialized and hyper-local are effective at spreading brand awareness and encouraging engagement. Anglin utilizes influencer marketing for community outreach for just this reason.

Need some support on getting an influencer initiative off the ground? Contact us.


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